__ _____ _ King REoL proudly presents... REoL TOUGH: Damnation! A new level to play with, for Quake! Level Design by George J. Fiffy II. ====================================================================== Quake is (c)1997 id Software and Nine Inch Nails. All rights reserved. ---------------------------------------- If you're trying this with the Shareware Version, IT WON'T WORK! JUST BUY THE WHOLE GAME! Trust me, it's worth more than what you pay. :) Will work with ANY version of REGISTERED Quake (used 1.06 here). ====================================================================== Since REoL TOUGH is an International favorite everywhere (whatever), and some people complain about the way things are typed, Here are some things you'll need to know: * This doc is typed using US English, and bad spelling. :) * Things IN CAPS highlight important info, among other things. __ _____ _ __ _____ __ REoL TOUGH, as always supports EVERYTHING! -------------------------------------------------------------- SINGLE PLAYER: You get to romp around this twisted world and end the terror caused by those Quake Beasties. MULTI-PLAYER: You and up to FIFTEEN (15) others go romping around to do the same thing as in 1 player mode, but the more, the merrier. Makes this level too easy though. :) DEATHMATCH: You and up to FIFTEEN (15) others pair up into teams, or go on your own, in killing off the other players. ------------------------------------------------------------ DIFFICULTY: It IS supported! Things can be very easy (sure) for you, or you can select a HARD setting and really get nailed! More about this garbage later, in more detail. ====================================================================== REMEMBER: A P100 system at 320x200 (mode 11) is recommended. __ _____ __ __ _____ __ Visit the official REoL TOUGH World Wide DeatH Site! -------------------------------------------------------------- Now REoL TOUGH is on the web! Download the latest in REoL TOUGH action, cheat pages to find all the REoL TOUGH secrets, and links to files all over the net, and more! Aim your browser to: http://members.aol.com/georgef551 (Select FRAMES and NO FRAMES. FRAMES may not work at time of writing.) ====================================================================== Get on the REoL TOUGH Quake Mailing List! ------------------------------------------------- If you'd like news on soon to be released levels, or would like them sent to your E-mail address, E-mail me at GEORGEF551@AOL.COM pronto! MAKE SURE your provider allows file transfers via E-mail! Some don't. PLEASE NOTE: If you have access to the web, PLEASE go there. The mail system fails on occasion when sending files, due to large numbers of people wanting new REoL TOUGH releases. Thanks for your help! __ _____ __ __ _____ __ Before you start, make sure you have a C:\QUAKE\ID1\MAPS directory set up. This is where BSP's go (the EASIER way to do it). Then at the C:\QUAKE directory, type in: QUAKE +MAP FIFFY3 You'll see REoL TOUGH: DAMNATION appear. It starts on NORMAL skill. If you want to change your skill level (you can here), bring down the Console and enter SKILL X, where X is a number 0 to 3. 0 is EASY, 1 is NORMAL, 2 is HARD, and 3 is NIGHTMARE. Next, type RESTART. EASY! ---------------------------------------------------------------- For Multi-player and Deathmatch, ALL participants need a copy of the Fortress level. Deathmatch starts are spread out more, so that the "Reaper Bot" Patch will work a bit better (I hope). ====================================================================== To play the MANUAL DEMO (FIFFY3.DEM), put the demo file into your C:\QUAKE\ID1 directory, and type: QUAKE +MAP FIFFY3 +PLAYDEMO FIFFY3 ---------------------------------------------------------------- (This level was fully VISed, but you'd sure never know it....) __ _____ __ __ _____ __ The Same-Old, Same-Old REoL Tough Storyline (to some extent): ------------------------------------------------------------- You, B. J. Blazkowicz, are once again at home, relazing on your Easy Chair, watching the never ending sagas on Melrose Place, figuring that nothing can possibly go wrong now, especially after clearing out the big Fortress a while back. Guess what mister? you're about as right as Dan Quayle's view of the typical American Family! Your little pint-sized nightmare is calling you at home once again, Colonel Sanders, to brief you on your next mission, thinking he went back o making chicken: "There's a tomb in the desert about 500 miles from here, where Shub Niggurath is once again causing problems for mankind. It seems they want us to go there. We send armies in, but no one comes back. We can only count on you. Recon had it there's surprise traps in there, so MAKE SURE YOU LOOK AROUND, AND LOOK AT EVERYTHING! If you don't, you may fall into a trap that you'll NEVER GET OUT ALIVE FROM! You are our last hope again! GET GOING!" You say: "Could Antichrist be worse...." __ _____ __ __ _____ __ The Same-Old, Same-Old REoL Tough Storyline (to some extent): ------------------------------------------------------------- You, B. J. Blazkowicz, are once again at home, relazing on your Easy Chair, watching the never ending sagas on Melrose Place, figuring that nothing can possibly go wrong now, especially after clearing out the big Fortress a while back. Guess what mister? you're about as right as Dan Quayle's view of the typical American Family! Your little pint-sized nightmare is calling you at home once again, Colonel Sanders, to brief you on your next mission, thinking he went back o making chicken: "There's a tomb in the desert about 500 miles from here, where Shub Niggurath is once again causing problems for mankind. It seems they want us to go there. We send armies in, but no one comes back. We can only count on you. Recon had it there's surprise traps in there, so MAKE SURE YOU LOOK AROUND, AND LOOK AT EVERYTHING! If you don't, you may fall into a trap that you'll NEVER GET OUT ALIVE FROM! You are our last hope again! GET GOING!" You say: "Could Antichrist be worse...." __ _____ __ __ _____ __ Known Boo-boo's: ------------------------------------------------------------- None that I can find.... ====================================================================== This level does contain a realy cool feature. There's a room with a floor that's WAY below you in one spot, and you have to navigate a ballance beam, among other little obsticles. Well, you're wondering, what is this little trick? Well, if you get careless and you fall off, you'll hit the floor with a big SPLAT! That's right, I overridden the 5% maximum fall damage that Quake was plagued with. It's not a tough problem to overcome, and I know some of you out there are trying to make a Quake C Patch to do the same thing. No need to. I'm sure you can figure out how I did this, but if you can't, it's not like I'm gonna' spill the beans on it! :) SERIOUSLY: It's a realy EASY trick! A No-Brainer.... __ _____ __ __ _____ __ Miscellaneous -------------------------------------------------------------- Editor used for building: PolyEd 1.8 for safe, reliable DOS. Nodebuilder for BSP making: QBSP for DOS, using CWSDPMI DPMI manager. WAD2 file for textures: QUAKE101.WAD. -------------------------------------------------------------- Build Times (Using a Packard Bell Legend 300CD (Pentium 60): QBSP: About 8 minutes, 20 seconds. LIGHT: About 10 minutes, 42 seconds, -extra used. VIS: About 34 minutes, 40 seconds, full VIS job. ------------------------------------------------------------- Number of Brushes: 581, I believe. (PC limits, or cowardness) Number of Entities: I think 320. Single Player: Yes. Multi: 16 Deathmatch: 16 Difficulties Supported: Easy, Medium, Hard, and NIGHTMARE! Additions: None, except the manual FIFFY3.DEM demo file. __ _____ __ __ _____ __ If you don't know how to set up the directories, or can't get the basic principle of running a level, E-mail me at the AOL address. If I can NOT help you, try out the following: [a] 911@idsoftware.com (E-mail) [b] Other Quakemeisters you know. E-mail them. [c] Know one of the idmeisters? E-mail them! [d] Newsgroups, or http://www.idsoftware.com. [e] A BBS or Service (AOL, Prodigy, etc.). [f] 1-800-id-games (Get your wallet ready!) ====================================================================== You read enough garbage, and you want to play the level, well GO ON AHEAD! It's now time to stop reading, and start enjoying yourself! THANKS for DL-ing Damnation for Quake! More excitement to come! King REoL TODAY'S MORAL: Earwax makes good furniture polish. __ _____ __